Neural Networks

The Fundamentals of Neural Networks

In the field of engineering, artificial or simulated neural networks are a subset of machine learning. They’re designed to mimic the neurons in a biological brain, which can send and receive signals to each other. Neural networks are generally composed of three layers: input, hidden, and output. These layers work together to receive and process the data given to them, with the goal of making accurate predictions and smarter decisions. Here’s a brief overview of this process:

  1. Data are provided to the input layer and then transferred to the hidden layer.
  2. The two layers communicate and randomly allocate weight, or importance, to each separate input.
  3. After the weights are multiplied, each input receives a bias and the weighted sum transfers to an activation function.
  4. This function decides which nodes should be triggered and “fired” to the next layer.
  5. The output layer receives an application function to distribute the output.
  6. The input weights are modified, and the output receives back-propagation to reduce the chance or errors.

Types of Neural Networks

Neural networks can be used in a variety of applications. Consider the types of smart technology that exist today, from Google Translate and face recognition to Netflix’s algorithm for recommending shows and movies. Here are just a few examples of neural networks:

Convolution – These are often used in image and video recognition applications because of their ability to identify patterns. They’re composed of convolutional, pooling, and fully connected layers.

Recurrent – Text-to-speech, translation, and grammar corrections in text all utilize recurrent neural networks. This method uses data from previous inputs to use in current inputs and outputs.

Multilayer perceptron – Speech recognition and machine translation are two common applications for multilayer perceptron neural networks. These are often used in deep learning because they contain dense and fully connected layers.